
Reference: MWP531pd

Wolves Collection Men's Verdigris Patina Brass Desert Wolf Necklace - Amethyst, Garnet and Carnelian

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  • The wolf is known for cooperative game hunting with other wolves in groups. The physical adaptation of group expressive behavior allow the wolf to tackle large prey. Their expressive behavior also including individual or group howling.
  • Wolves also travel in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair accompanied by their offspring.  Many mated pairs are actually more successful at hunting than large groups because of agility. The wolf is a successful mammal that has never been vulnerable to human predatory extinction and actually became our "best friends" as dogs once domesticated.
  • Necklace measures 25" in length in either black, antique brown and antique turquoise tri-leather or copper chain.
  • Pendant measures 1 1/2" diameter pendant with trilogy stones: amethyst, garnet and carnelian cabochons.


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